Evangeline Lilly on watching LOST with her castmates

ShegainedpopularityforherfirstleadingroleasKateAustenintheABCdramaseriesLost(2004–2010),whichgarneredhersixnominationsfortheSaturn ...,EarlyonthemorningofDecember21,2006,adaybeforetheLostcastbrokeforChristmasvacation,Lilly'srentalhouseinHawaiiwas...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Evangeline Lilly

She gained popularity for her first leading role as Kate Austen in the ABC drama series Lost (2004–2010), which garnered her six nominations for the Saturn ...

Evangeline Lilly | Lostpedia

Early on the morning of December 21, 2006, a day before the Lost cast broke for Christmas vacation, Lilly's rental house in Hawaii was destroyed in a fire.

Why Evangeline Lilly Wanted to Quit Lost (& Why She Stayed)

The young actor wanted to quit the series almost immediately, but she changed her mind because of who her character was.

1648 Evangeline Lilly Lost Stock Photos & High

American Actress Evangeline Lilly from Lost TV show poses during a photo call at the 45th Television Festival of Monte Carlo on July 1, 2005 in...

Evangeline Lilly

Evangeline Lilly, born in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, in 1979, was discovered on the streets of Kelowna, British Columbia, by the famous Ford modeling agency.

Evangeline Lilly (@evangelinelillyofficial)

I used to struggle to find time and space for my soul, until I made friends with the moon and the darkness of the early morning.

Evangeline Lilly... : rlost

Rewatching Lost for the first time in almost 15 years and I can't get past how Evangeline bodies her character. She's almost irresistible to ...

Evangeline Lilly Discusses the LOST Finale at Dragon Con

The ending has always and will always be about the characters and their journeys, not the answers to the mysteries of the island but to the characters ...

Evangeline Lilly on what she learned while filming LOST

Evangeline Lilly on what she learned while filming LOST! #EvangelineLilly #LordoftheRings #MCU Listen to the full episode of ONCE AND ALWAYS ...

Evangeline Lilly Is Attracted to Lost Geeks

(Original Air Date: 1/28/09) Evangeline Lilly talks about meeting Lost fans at Comic-Con, men she's attracted to, and her tastes in ...


ShegainedpopularityforherfirstleadingroleasKateAustenintheABCdramaseriesLost(2004–2010),whichgarneredhersixnominationsfortheSaturn ...,EarlyonthemorningofDecember21,2006,adaybeforetheLostcastbrokeforChristmasvacation,Lilly'srentalhouseinHawaiiwasdestroyedinafire.,Theyoungactorwantedtoquittheseriesalmostimmediately,butshechangedhermindbecauseofwhohercharacterwas.,AmericanActressEvangelineLillyf...